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Focusing on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will implement the carbon peak action plan and divide the steps to accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system

  On October 16, the 20th National Congress of the CPC was held in Beijing. The report of the 20th National Congress is divided into fifteen chapters. Among them, Chapter 10 provides a detailed introduction to "promoting green development and promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.".


Promoting green development and promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature

(Excerpt from the transcript of the 20th National Congress of the CPC)

  Nature is the fundamental condition for human survival and development. respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature is essential for building china into a modern socialist country in all respects. we must uphold and act on the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and we must remember to maintain harmony between humanity and nature when planning our development.We need to promote the construction of a beautiful China, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, coordinate industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate change response, coordinate carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and promote ecological priority, conservation, intensification, and green and low-carbon development.We need to accelerate the green transformation of development methods, implement comprehensive conservation strategies, develop green and low-carbon industries, advocate green consumption, and promote the formation of green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. Deepen the prevention and control of environmental pollution, continue to deepen the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land, basically eliminate heavy pollution weather, basically eliminate urban black and odorous water bodies, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources, improve the level of environmental infrastructure construction, and promote the improvement of urban and rural living environments. Enhance the diversity, stability, and sustainability of ecosystems, accelerate the implementation of major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, implement major projects for biodiversity conservation, promote the restoration of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands, implement a ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, improve the system of fallow rotation on farmland, and prevent and control the invasion of alien species. Actively and prudently promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality, based on China's energy and resource endowment, adhering to the principle of first establishing and then breaking, implementing carbon peak actions in a planned and step-by-step manner, deepening the energy revolution, strengthening clean and efficient utilization of coal, accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system, and actively participating in global governance to address climate change.


  The report of the 20th National Congress put forward a series of new goals, requirements, and deployments for the construction of ecological civilization, providing fundamental guidance and action for building a beautiful China. As the main body of economic activities, enterprises should also keep up with the pace of the times and take green development as the basic value orientation. Haibo Electric adheres to the entrepreneurial philosophy of "establishing enterprises with integrity and promoting green development", takes "advocating green energy and helping energy conservation and emission reduction" as its responsibility, adheres to the development path of conservation, intensification, green and low-carbon, and is committed to providing comprehensive technical and product solutions for safe and environmentally friendly backup power for industrial and mining enterprises and institutions.


  Haibo spares no effort in implementing the "dual carbon" goals. Haibo has been promoting industrial greening, green industrialization, and building a green supply chain and green manufacturing system. Promote the development of low-carbon enterprises, clean manufacturing processes, and efficient resource utilization. All products of the company have independent intellectual property rights, including two national invention patents, multiple utility model patents, and software copyrights, which have been obtained multiple timesShandong Province Enterprise Technology Innovation Awardrated asOutstanding contributors to innovation driven development in Shandong Province


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