Company News


Haibo Lithium Battery Charging and Discharging Management System Won Innovation Technology Award

      On May 22, 2020, Yantai Haibo Electric Co., Ltd. won the first prize of Shandong Province Enterprise Technology Innovation Award for its lithium battery charging and discharging management system.

       The Shandong Provincial Enterprise Technology Innovation Award refers to a series of activities carried out by enterprises or other economic organizations within the jurisdiction of Shandong Province, focusing on technological innovation, management innovation, standard innovation, and joint innovation between industry, academia, and research, achieving market value and achieving results recognized in accordance with these Measures. The excellent achievements of the lithium battery charging and discharging management system represent its innovative design principles or ideas, advanced technical methods, detailed experimental or survey data, and outstanding innovative points; It has high economic and social benefits or potential benefits in improving production efficiency, reducing production costs, improving the environment, and reducing energy consumption.This award not only presents the award certificate, but also promotes and reports on relevant media such as the Technology Innovation Network and Shandong Industrial Technology magazine. This is a great affirmation of Haibo Electric's technological innovation ability and core competitiveness.

        The lithium battery charging and discharging management system has won the Technology Innovation Award, and we have a deeper understanding that for a company, technology and innovation are an inexhaustible driving force. Haibo Electric will continue to adhere to; Advocate for green energy and assist in energy conservation and emission reduction; Our mission is to achieve even better results in the innovation driven development of enterprises in the future. We are committed to playing a demonstrative and driving role in promoting technological progress in our industry and region, and contributing our own strength to regional economic and social benefits!

