Company News


Yantai Haibo Electrical Equipment Company Holds 2020 Work Summary Conference

      Let's work together to create brilliance and celebrate the successful convening of the 2020 Work Summary Conference of Yantai Haibo Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.

       On the morning of January 30, 2021, Yantai Haibo Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. held the 2020 Work Summary Conference, which invited all leaders and employees of Haibo Electric, mainly in the form of on-site meetings and video conferences. The main content of the meeting is to present a report on the "2020 Work Summary and 2021 Work Plan"; Exemplary individual, special contribution awards and advanced collective awards; Group discussion on specific work plans for 2021.
       The general manager fully affirmed the achievements of Haibo Electric Company in transformation and development over the years, and put forward five opinions and plans based on the existing problems and next steps of work: firstly, complete the integration of organizational structure; The second is to elevate the company's management level to a new level; The third is to achieve the construction of the company's talent pool; The fourth is to complete product upgrades and achieve product serialization; The fifth is to complete the market layout, firmly implement corporate social responsibility, continuously enhance the social recognition of the green energy industry, and make new and greater contributions to serving local socio-economic development and Yantai Haibo Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.
