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9.10 Teacher's Day | Yantai Haibo Electric Salute to the Amazing Them

       Fallen leaves open the door of September, and the autumn wind brings the most beautiful festival&# 8217& Flash; September 10th, the 37th Teacher's Day. On this beautiful and great day, Haibo Electric pays tribute to all teachers: Happy Teacher's Day!Looking back in the past, in the blink of an eye, we have already passed the age of babbling and learning. The children who used to sit in the classroom, shouting slogans of hard work and upward movement every day after class, now freely galloping on the playground, have become sitting in the office building every day, nine to five, being careful and cautious, lacking a lot of freedom and joy in the classroom, and adding a lot of involuntary worries in work.

       The sound of brushing chalk in those years was replaced by the clattering of keyboards. The mischievous child who was once punished by the teacher to stand has now scattered far and wide, shouldering the burden of life and embarking on a distant journey.On the road of life, parents are the people who give us life, and teachers are the people who guide us to read, read, understand the world, and walk on the right path. They are dedicated to teaching with great effort and dedication, dedicating their lives to the cause of education. The world is full of peach and plum blossoms, and students are everywhere.


      Our teachers are all the most ordinary and ordinary people, but they engage in extraordinary work and cultivate talents for the country. When ignorant and ignorant us become civilized and polite, it is the result of patiently educating our teachers. When we, who are simply timid, become confident and firm, it is the achievement that the teacher has painstakingly crafted. We are like a boat on the sea, our teacher guiding us in the direction and guiding us through the wind and waves.

      We are like saplings, watered and fertilized by our teachers, enabling us to grow and thrive.Education is in the heart, and teacher kindness is as heavy as a mountain. It's Teacher's Day again. On this special day, let's hold the most beautiful flowers in our hands and offer our best wishes to the most respected and lovely teachers in the world. May they be happy every day!
