Company News


Haibo Electric is 8 years old!

 On December 18th, Haibo Electric celebrated its 8th birthday. For the people of Haibo, 8 years is a time of shared travel and a journey of heart to heart.

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  Chairman Que Gongyou

 On December 18, 2022, Yantai Haibo Electric celebrated its 8th anniversary. Eight years of spring and autumn, with the passage of time, Haibo Electric has gone through an eight year journey of "from nothing to something, from something to excellence". In the past eight years, our product technology has been improving day by day, our market system has been gradually established, and our production, engineering, and various management work have also been gradually improved. The company has always been leading in the field of backup energy storage, and we have achieved good results. On behalf of the company's board of directors, I would like to express sincere congratulations and gratitude to the company's leadership and all colleagues!

At present, the COVID-19 that plagued the company's development has gradually gone, opening the way for us to develop rapidly. I hope that all colleagues will work together with one heart and one mind, under the leadership of the company's collective leadership, to unite and continue to create better performance. Wishing Haibo Electric a happy eighth birthday!

  General Manager Zhao Feng

  Happy 8th birthday to Haibo Electric! After 8 years of hard work, the company will surely turn into a fragrant journey, work together, and create brilliance!

Executive Vice President Pang Jing

Over the course of 8 years and 2920 days and nights, every step of Haibo's growth deserves our gratitude, reflection, and reflection. Her growth is full of the hardships at the beginning of entrepreneurship, embodying the joy of success, and also embodying the dreams and efforts of all Haibo people for a better future. Eight years of sailing together, setting sail and breaking through the waves before setting sail. Happy 8th birthday to Haibo Electric!


  Enterprise Management Department

Time flies, it is an honor to witness every step of the company's development, and I am grateful to join this team full of positive energy. In the days to come, let us live up to our youth, forge ahead, and jointly write a new chapter of development for Haibo!

 Technical Center

  Years are like water, eight years are like a white horse passing through a gap. Looking back on our journey, we have worked hand in hand, explored and made progress, and taken on the responsibility and dedication, feeling proud; Looking ahead to a new journey, we will ride the wind and waves, overcome obstacles, and live up to our youth. The future is promising.

 Marketing Center

  After eight years of hard work, we have achieved fruitful results and are in the prime of our lives. A new starting point, new expectations, I wish Haibo a year of success.

  Finance Department

  We are deeply honored to join the Haibo family, with a journey of mountains and rivers and a journey of songs. Under the Phoenix Tree, walk without stopping, and sing while walking, to win the future together!

 Engineering Department

  8 years, the past is not like smoke. Fortunately, in 8 years, we have heard the echoes of sweat. Setting sail at the right time, I wish Haibo Electric a grand exhibition and steady progress!

  Production Department

  Eight years of trials and tribulations, eight years of unity and virtue, and eight years of steady development. Wishing Haibo a better tomorrow. For the next eight years, let's go!


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