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The Theory of Solar Terms · Grain Rain | Rain Produces Hundred Grains and All Things Renew

During the Gu Yu solar term, ancient people had customs such as "walking through Gu Yu", "tasting Gu Yu tea", and "appreciating peony flowers".

At this time, with abundant rainfall and moderate temperature, the spring tea harvested at this time is called "Gu Yu Tea", also known as "pre rain tea". Its buds and leaves are plump, and the color is emerald green. It smells fragrant, chews slightly bitter, and brews sweet.

Regarding the origin of the Grain Rain solar term, according to the Huainanzi, the creation of characters by Cangjie was a groundbreaking event. The Yellow Emperor issued an edict in the late spring and early summer, announcing the success of Cangjie's character creation and calling on all subjects to learn it together. On this day, there was an unusual rain, dropping countless grains of rice. As a result, later generations named this day Gu Yu and it became one of the 24 solar terms.


        Grain Rain Three SeasonsHou:

Ping Shi ShengGrain rain arrives, only then can the water meet.

After the valley rain, the rainfall increased and the floating duckweed in rivers and lakes began to grow.Second Hou:

The crowing dove brushes its feathers

Then the cuckoo bird sorted out its rich feathers and began chirping day by day, as if reminding farmers to sow.

Third Hou: Dai Sheng Surrender to SangThe Dai Sheng bird, which landed on the mulberry tree to search for food, appeared frequently, and at this time, the silkworm baby was about to be born.

At this moment, with the front foot climbing in spring and the back foot climbing in summer, after the valley rain, although we have to bid farewell to the gentle breeze and spring rain, the bustling cicadas chirping in midsummer that is about to arrive is also a kind of tranquility.

Grain Rain Health PreservationGu Yu, as the name suggests, means sowing grains for rainfall and rain producing a hundred grains.Grain rain is the last solar term of spring, when seedlings are first planted in the fields and new crops are planted.

The most important thing is the nourishment of rainwater, so it is also said that "spring rain is as expensive as oil.".

People sow in this season with hopes for a bountiful harvest, a bright future, and a longing for a happy life.

They plant their hopes in the soil, waiting for them to sprout, bloom, and bear fruit."

In the third month of spring, it is called 'Fa Chen'.

Both heaven and earth are born, and all things are proud.

They lie down early at night, walk widely in the courtyard, and be sent to slow down their form, in order to stimulate their will.

When they are born, do not kill them, do not take them away, and reward them without punishment. This is the way to nourish their health. If they go against it, they will harm the liver. In summer, there will be a cold transformation, and those who worship the elders will be few."Spring belongs to wood and corresponds to the liver. The liver qi in the body becomes more and more vigorous with the deepening of spring, reaching its peak during the Qingming and Grain Rain seasons.

If the seven emotions are not smooth at this time, it will affect the liver's release and the generation of yang qi, leading to dysfunction of the organs. Therefore, soothing the liver and regulating emotions are also the focus of this season's maintenance.


      Tonifying the spleen

Position | Thread surface of the distal end of the thumb (or a straight line from the radial end of the thumb to the root of the finger)

Operation method: Rotate and push the threaded surface of the thumb in children to call the Spleen Meridian, or push the radial side of the thumb directly towards the center to call the Spleen Meridian;

Centrifuge pushing the radial side of the thumb is called diarrhea, and it is called the Qingpi meridian.

Times | Push 300-500 times.

Function: tonifying the spleen meridian: strengthening the spleen and stomach, supplementing qi and blood;

Clear Spleen Meridian: Clearing heat and promoting dampness, resolving phlegm and stopping vomiting.

Qinggan Meridian

Position | Thread surface at the end of the index finger.

Operation method: Rotating or pushing directly towards the center is called tonifying the liver meridian;

Centrifuge pushing is called diarrhea, which is called the Qinggan meridian.

Times | Push 300-500 times.

Function | Qinggan Jing:

calming the liver and purging fire, extinguishing wind and calming shock, relieving depression and removing annoyance.

Application: The liver meridian should be clear and not replenished.

If liver deficiency needs to be replenished, it needs to be replenished and then cleared, or replaced by the tonifying kidney meridian, which is called the nourishing kidney and nourishing liver method.

MofuPosition | entire abdomen.

Operation method | Using the rubbing method, called rubbing the abdomen;

Using the method of division, it is called the division of abdominal yin and yang.

Frequency | Mock the abdomen for 3-5 minutes, divide the yin and yang of the abdomen 50-100 times.

Function | Strengthening the spleen and stomach, regulating qi and promoting digestion.

Indications: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting, bloating, chancre, and constipation.

Rubbing for three milesLocation | 3 inches in front of the outer knee, 1 inch apart from the tibia.

Operation method | Apply force to the thumb or threaded surface, apply slight force to massage, and weigh the massage for three miles.

Rub for 3-5 minutes.

Function | Strengthening the spleen and stomach, regulating the middle and regulating qi, guiding stagnation and unblocking the meridians.


In spring, with a gentle breeze, two butterflies dance in front of the flowers; The drizzling rain, the sound of cloth valleys outside the forest, the emptiness between heaven and earth is clear and leisurely. At this time, wandering among mountains and rivers, the spring atmosphere is infused, which is enough to cultivate one's life and nurture one's character. In the fourth month of the human world, the fragrant fragrance fades away; The warm wind is like wine, and the flowers are like dreams in an instant.

