Company News


Warmly celebrate the successful conclusion of Haibo Electric's 2023 Mid year Work Summary Conference and Team Building Activities

      Warmly celebrate the successful conclusion of the 2023 Mid year Work Summary Conference and Team Building Activity of Yantai Haibo Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd! Looking back on the past is to have a better view of the distance. In 2023, we have already traveled halfway. Time passes, recording our excessive efforts and efforts, as well as witnessing accumulation and growth!


Mid year Summary Conference

    On July 23, 2023, the 2023 Mid year Work Summary Meeting of Haibo Electric was held in the conference room of Xiangdao Impression Hotel. The company's Chairman Yue Gongyou, General Manager Zhao Feng and other leaders attended the meeting, with heads of all affiliated subsidiaries, departments, and all employees attending.

1. Chairman's Mid Year Summary

At the meeting, the chairman of the company summarized and reported on the work situation in the first half of the year. A comprehensive report was conducted on the company's performance and various tasks in the first half of the year, and improvement suggestions and solutions were proposed for the problems encountered during the process. Clear plans were made for the goals and key tasks of the second half of the year, providing effective guarantees for the smooth progress of the work in the second half of the year.


2. Mr. Cao shares

After the 14th Five Year Plan of Haibo Electric, its development pace has become more stable. In the golden period of Haibo's continued struggle, we would like to express our gratitude to the sales team members represented by Mr. Cao for expanding their frontline territory, and to the sales team led by General Manager Zhao for continuously creating new performance highs. Through Mr. Cao's sharing on sales work at the meeting, we learned the spirit of the sales elites of Haibo Electric to carry on the past and open up the future. It is precisely because of the efficient integration of the new and old team that the company has been brought a continuous source of vitality!


3. Appointment Ceremony

In the first half of 2023, after careful selection, professional training, and strict assessment by the company, six operational supervisors were hired. At the meeting, General Manager Zhao read out the employment list and issued an appointment letter. Congratulations to the managers of all operational levels!


Experiential Training

In the afternoon, all employees of the company held a unique curling competition. Led by a newly appointed supervisor, in the fierce competition, everyone deeply understood the importance of team communication and cooperation: cohesion generates strength, unity shines brightly.

1. Team style display

2. Competition silhouette

Bonfire Banquet

After the event, the company specially arranged a bonfire dinner, where everyone enjoyed themselves and gathered together. Setting aside the efficient and tense work rhythm, we tasted delicious food together and once again felt the warmth of the Haibo Electric family.17.jpg

In the first half of the year, the company achieved excellent results, which gave us confidence in the 14th Five Year Plan; More importantly, in the past six months, all members of Haibo have worked together and worked hard to grow. This valuable experience and growth gains are crucial.

New situations bring new opportunities, and new tasks bring new achievements. The excellent results in the first half of 2023 have given everyone stronger confidence and higher expectations for the development of the second half of the year. I believe that under the leadership of the company's leaders and the joint efforts of all Haibo people, the company's development in the second half of 2023 will surely achieve new brilliance!
